Yu gi oh gx dubbed season 4 episode 24
Yu gi oh gx dubbed season 4 episode 24

yu gi oh gx dubbed season 4 episode 24

(04:14) Spoiler Tags are often used in forums to hide information that would potentially spoil a story or series for those unfamiliar.In it, the player takes control of various characters in different time periods. (04:04) Eternal Darkness is a videogame for the Nintendo Gamecube.(03:29) The servants are chanting "hoona igna chowa neha", a reference to the TV show "Space Ghost: Coast to Coast".(02:22) J.J.Abrams is a film producer, writer and director, well known for his convoluted plot lines which make little sense to people coming in late on the show.

yu gi oh gx dubbed season 4 episode 24

  • (02:11) A mullet was a popular hairstyle during the 1960s-1990s, which Kaiba's hairstyle certainly does resemble.
  • Kaiba's line most likely reflects LittleKuriboh's feeling on the matter. Abuse of flagging is what got LittleKuriboh's videos initially removed from YouTube.
  • (01:05) On YouTube, a user can " flag" a video if he/she believes its content is inappropriate.
  • (01:03) Spongebob Squarepants is a cartoon series.
  • "Breaking" the fourth wall is done when a character references the fact that they are in a TV show, such as how Ishizu predicts the opening credits.
  • (00:29) " The fourth wall " is what can be considered the barrier between a show's reality and our own.
  • (00:00) Yami's opening line was the common selling point of the breakfast cereal "Cap' Crunch".
  • yu gi oh gx dubbed season 4 episode 24

    Throughout the episode, Yugi is having a character crisis, thinking that he isn't very important to the plot and that Yami Yugi is the important one. Ishizu then asks Kaiba to hold a tournament and gives him Obelisk the Tormentor to persuade him. She holds an Egyptian exhibit and invites Kaiba down, explaining how he and Yugi are reincarnations of an ancient pair of Egyptian Duelists and they are destined to duel again. This episode introduces Ishizu, who can see the future and break the fourth wall.

    Yu gi oh gx dubbed season 4 episode 24